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Office of Public Relations and Communications

About Us

The Virgin Islands Department of Education’s Office of Public Relations and Communications exists to heighten the public’s awareness of the Department’s mission to ensure that all students are prepared for college or the career of their choice upon graduation from high school.

In support of the mission, the Public Relations Office provides publicity for events, activities and the many successes of the Department’s schools, students, teachers, employees and leadership through internal and external communication.

The Office of Public Relations and Communication, through an integrated marketing communications approach services the marketing, branding, public, and media relations, advertising and graphic design needs of the Department, districts, and schools.

The Public Relations Office reports directly to the Commissioner of Education.


Virgin Islands Department of Education Adopts Measures to Address Heatwave Challenges in the St. Croix District by Adjusting School Hours

The Virgin Islands Department of Education is announcing schedule adjustments for six schools within the St. Croix District, effective Monday, September 25, 2023. These modifications to the operational hours of each school are a direct response to the challenges posed by the ongoing and severe heatwave that has been affecting the district. On September 18th, heat risks were updated for the U.S. Virgin Islands resulting in a Heat Warning being issued.


The recent heatwave has created unfavorable learning conditions for students, faculty, and staff across several schools in the St. Croix District. The health and well-being of students and personnel are paramount, and the district has taken decisive action to address the impact of the extreme weather by identifying schools most impacted.


Following comprehensive assessments of the school facilities, the district has identified and categorized six schools where more than 50% of the campus lacks functional air conditioning units. These schools require immediate attention to improve the conditions.


Effective Monday, September 25, 2023, the St. Croix School District will implement schedule adjustments aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of the heatwave on students, faculty, and staff. These changes to the daily schedule are designed to offer much-needed relief during the hottest hours of the day.


  • Revised Daily Schedules:

The following daily schedules have been updated since the VIDE Live announcement.


Ø  Juanita Gardine and Eulalie Rivera PreK-8 Schools: These schools will begin the school day at 7:30am and end at 12:30pm, with class periods lasting 45 minutes each. This earlier start time allows for instruction during the cooler morning hours, and lunch will be provided on a staggered schedule.




Subject Area


Start Time

End Time

Homeroom & Morning Announcements


7:30 AM

7:35 AM


7:35 AM

8:20 AM


8:25 AM

9:10 AM


9:15 AM

10:00 AM


10:05 AM

10:50 AM


10:55 AM

11:40 AM


11:45 AM

12:30 PM



    • John H. Woodson Jr. High School: Will begin at 8:00am and end at 1:15pm. Class periods have been reduced from 55 minutes to 45 minutes each.






Start Time

End Time


8:00 AM

8:45 AM


8:48 AM

9:33 AM


9:36 AM

10:21 AM


10:24 AM

11:09 AM


11:12 AM

11:57 AM


11:57 AM

12:27 PM


12:30 PM

1:15 PM


    • St. Croix Central High School; St. Croix Educational Complex; and the Career & Educational Technical Center: These schools will begin the school day at their regular start time of 7:40am, but will end earlier, at 1:05pm. Class periods have been reduced from 75 minutes to 65 minutes.






Start Time

End Time


7:40 AM

8:45 AM


8:50 AM

9:55 AM


10:00 AM

11:05 AM


11:10 AM

11:55 AM


12:00 PM

1:05 PM


For all schools, bus transportation will continue to be available daily for students commuting to and from each school campus. It is important for the public to note that for the following schools,

morning routes can commence as early as 6:45am to accommodate students:


  • Juanita Gardine, Eulalie Rivera PreK-8, and the John H. Woodson Jr. High School.


In the afternoon, buses will also be provided as each school dismisses. Parents are welcome to also begin pickups at scheduled dismissal times.


The St. Croix District wants to assure the public that these measures are temporary and have been implemented to create a more comfortable and conducive learning environment for students during the current heatwave period. The Virgin Islands Department of Education (VIDE) will closely monitor temperatures and heat conditions, to assess when regular school hours will be resumed.


The Department acknowledges that these adjustments are not an ideal long-term solution and is actively working to address the operational needs of schools within the district. The VIDE seeks the support and cooperation of parents, students, faculty, and staff during this challenging period.


Together, we can navigate the heatwave and continue our mission of transforming today's learners into tomorrow's leaders in safe and comfortable environments.




Download press release here:  pdf Press Release 0910 23 Virgin Islands Department of Education Adopts Measures to Address Heatwave Challenges (1 KB)

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Virgin Islands Department of Education State Office of Special Nutrition Programs Announces USDA Commodity Distribution

The Virgin Islands Department of Education State Office of Special Nutrition Programs informs the public of its upcoming drive through distribution of USDA commodities for the territory. Distribution will take place across both districts on the following days for all eligible persons.


St. Thomas - St. John District

Date: Saturday, September 16, 2023        Location: Lockhart K-8 School

Start time – 7:00 a.m. until supplies last (all eligible persons are asked to report on this day).


St. Croix District

Date: Saturday, September 23, 2023        Location: St. Croix Educational Complex High School

Start time – 7:00 a.m. until supplies last (all eligible persons are asked to report on this day).


The Emergency Food Assistance Program or (TEFAP) uses income; not age to determine program eligibility. The St. Thomas-St. John District and St. Croix District distributions are for all eligible persons meeting the criteria listed below. Distribution packages will be limited to one per household. 


Individuals or heads of households eligible to receive these commodities must be identified as in need by meeting one of the following criteria:


1.      A person or head of household whose gross family income does not exceed the 185% of the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines for July 1, 2023 thru June 30, 2024.


2.      A person or head of household who is a client of any of the following income certified assistance programs:

(a)      Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

(b)      Medical Assistance Program

(c)      Be a Tenant of a Subsidized Public Housing program.


3.      Individuals are also permitted to self-declare their income using the self-certification portion of the application if they do not fall into the established categories stated above.


To obtain commodities, proper identification must be presented. Persons completing the Self Certification Form should be prepared to provide information relative to their gross income.  Any person not able to provide satisfactory information to the distribution site staff will not be able to receive a commodity package.


For additional information, please call Federal Commodities Officer, Correy Lettsome at (340) 774-0100 ext. 2818.


                                             INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINE TABLE



Not more than $ 26,973



Not more than $ 2,248



Not more than  $519

Household Size 2



$ 3,041


$ 702

Household Size 3

$ 45,991


$ 3,833


$ 885

Household Size 4

$ 55,500


$ 4,625


$ 1,068

Household Size 5

$ 65,009


$ 5,418


$ 1,251

Household Size 6

$ 74,518


$ 6,210


$ 1,434

Household size 7

$ 84,027


$ 7,003


$ 1,616

Household size 8

$ 93,536


$ 7,795


$ 1,799

For each additional family member

add $9,509


$ 793



$ 183





Download press release here:  pdf Press Release 0906 23 Special Nutrition Programs Announces USDA Commodity Distribution (377 KB)

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Bertha C. Boschulte Middle School Remains Closed Due to Existing Bovoni Landfill Conditions

The Virgin Islands Department of Education (VIDE) informs the public that the Bertha C. Boschulte (BCB) Middle School will remain closed due to existing conditions from the Bovoni Landfill that continue to impact the school. The VIDE will keep the public informed regarding the resumption of regular school operations. The health and safety of students, faculty, and staff remain a priority.


School officials in conjunction with the Virgin Islands Fire and Emergency Services (VIFEMS) will remain vigilant and continue to monitor the situation at the Bovoni Landfill for any changes. The VIDE thanks the VIFEMS for their selfless service and response efforts regarding this matter.




Download press release here:  pdf Press Release 0908 23 Bertha C Boschulte Middle School Remains Closed (73 KB)

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St. Thomas

1834 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-0100

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM


St. Croix

2133 Hospital Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820
Phone: 340-773-1095

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM

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