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Jeune Provost Is Prestigious 2016 Lowell Milken Center Fellow

Jeune Provost is given the keys to the city by Fort Scott Mayor JoLynne Mitchell on Tuesday, June 21, 2016.


The Lowell Milken Center (LMC) for Unsung Heroes in Fort Scott, Kansas, an international educational non-profit, has awarded its prestigious Fellowship to Jeune B. Provost, St. Thomas-St. John District Program Manager for Professional Development. Mrs. Provost is one of 12 educators who have been named a 2016 LMC fellow. She and four other teachers  are in Fort Scott June 19-24 for a week of collaboration with the Center. The seven remaining fellows will arrive in Fort Scott the following week for training and collaboration.

The LMC Fellowship is awarded on the basis of merit to educators who have distinguished themselves in teaching respect and understanding through project-based
learning or who have the potential for this distinction. The Center selects exemplary teachers from across America and Europe, drawn from a variety of disciplines, to
collaborate on projects that discover, develop and communicate the stories of Unsung Heroes in history.

In her seven years in education, Provost has been at the Guy H. Benjamin Elementary School and the Julius E. Sprauve Elementary School. Provost believes that “every child has the ability to learn through imagination, inspiration, and a teacher’s dedication.” Mrs. Provost prides her teaching style on allowing students the freedom to present what they
know, in the best way they know how. She enthusiastically engages students in lessons that address each child’s learning style. She is also a firm believer in the theory of
multiple intelligence and how those intelligences play in the development of differentiation and a student-centered approach to learning.

While teaching at Julius E. Sprauve, Mrs. Provost was identified as the 2015 Virgin Islands State Teacher of the Year, a prestigious honor recognized at the national level for excellence in teaching. In her current role, Mrs. Provost mentors peer educators in designing their own high-quality lessons and classroom experiences focused on creativity, critical thinking, arts integration and collaboration. She has participated in several district task forces to improve accountability and streamline the district's improvement plans in an effort to improve teaching.

Lowell Milken Center Executive Director, Norm Conard, said, “Jeune is another one of our great international teachers. She brings an expertise to the table, which enhances our Fellowships.”

While in Fort Scott, LMC Fellows gain knowledge, educational resources and ongoing support to enhance their classrooms and help students cultivate a passion for learning by creating projects that initiate positive change. Fellows emerge prepared to develop Unsung Heroes projects with their students as they apply and evaluate the stories of role models who have changed the world throughout history. Mrs. Provost hopes the group of students she oversees in the fall will discover an unsung hero of Virgin Islands or Caribbean descent. She said that of all the unsung heroes featured in the LMC galleries, a Virgin Islander or Caribbean national has yet to be featured.

To learn more about the origins of the  Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heros, view this video


Mrs. Provost is one of five Lowell Milken Center Fellows visiting Fort Scott, Kansas, June 19-24, for a week of collaboration with the Center.



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