Commissioner McCollum Lays Out Plans for SY 2016-17 At Rotary Club Meeting


Virgin   Islands   Department   of   Education Commissioner Sharon Ann McCollum, Ph.D., addressed The Rotary Club of St. Thomas II at its general meeting held September 7 at the Frenchman’s Reef Marriott & Morning Star Beach Resort. Commissioner McCollum assured club members that the Department is making progress with renovating the infrastructure of the territory’s public schools, while focusing on student achievement and the importance of public-private partnerships.

“This department is the one agency that can lead change in this community. It can change the crime rate. It can change the workforce,” McCollum insisted. She further expressed the need for public-private partnerships and acknowledged the University of the Virgin Islands’ sponsorship of new wooden basketball floors recently installed at the Bertha C. Boschulte Middle School. She stated that capital projects for enhancement and repairs are forthcoming to the St. Croix Educational Complex, Charlotte Amalie High School and Ivanna Eudora Kean High Schools’ running tracks.

The renovation and maintenance of school buildings are a priority for the Department. Commissioner McCollum pointed out that she has requested bond funds to rebuild and refurbish the territory’s public schools. “The average age of our school buildings is 40 – 45 years old…we need to build schools,” she urged.

However, the lack of up-to-date facilities does not affect the quality of instruction within the classroom. Commissioner McCollum said student achievement is the focus of the Department. She has identified music and sports as two major components to enhance student achievement and has positioned two individuals to head territory-wide music and sports programs. In addition, both the St. Thomas-St. John and St. Croix districts now have directors of agriculture. Commissioner McCollum stressed the importance of food grown locally—specifically by students in Virgin Islands’ schools. This concept is two-fold, as it allows students to have a green thumb as well as supply produce to the school lunch program. Commissioner McCollum also acknowledged the success of the tilapia farm at Ivanna Eudora Kean High School and promises to introduce hydroponics and table gardens to the remaining schools territory-wide.

Commissioner McCollum closed by ensuring Rotary Club of St. Thomas II members that there are lots of success stories coming out of the public school system and with time, support from the local community and an extra effort, the Department can make a positive difference and implement change in the territory.


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